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The Six Secrets Of Desire Driving The Rating Successes Of “The Joe Rogan Experience” And “Call Her Daddy”

Nov 27, 2024

5 min read




SENSORI Deploys NeuroAi To Discover The Brain’s Core Nonconscious Forces Behind The Soaring Popularity of the Two Podcasts

An image featuring the title of the article "The Six Secrets Of Desire Driving The Rating Successes Of “The Joe Rogan Experience” And “Call Her Daddy” Deploys NeuroAi To Discover The Brain’s Core Nonconscious Forces Behind The Soaring Popularity of the Two Podcasts" and the logos of The Joe Rogan Experience and Call Her Daddy

BERKELEY, Calif. – November 26th, 2024 – He’s at Number 1 on Spotify, with 14.5 million followers; she debuted at Number 1 on Apple’s charts. “The Joe Rogan Experience” and Alex Cooper’s “Call Her Daddy” podcasts are bona fide runaway phenomena—immensely popular podcasts that are ratings blowouts powered by vast, loyal, and growing audiences.


But what is driving these stunning numbers—why do these shows, and their hosts, resonate so powerfully with their fanbases? What creates so much DESIRE in fans, and what lessons do Joe Rogan and Alex Cooper teach marketers and brand builders?


Sensori.Ai has uncovered the answers, applying NeuroAi, its unique combination of leading-edge Artificial Intelligence expertise combined with its deep reservoir of neurological knowledge. The company, the only one of its kind in the world with this capability, revealed that there are six core drivers of Desire concealed in the nonconscious mind that spur the shows’ strong attraction. Analyzing the two podcasts using Sensori.Ai’s Desire Framework reveals the following:


1. Desire for Novelty: The brain is naturally and irresistibly attracted to novel experiences and information, and both “The Joe Rogan Experience” and “Call Her Daddy” offer not just a wide array of topics and guests, but more powerfully the way in which the topics are approached. The perspective is innocuously new, and deliberately different. This uniqueness keeps the content fresh and engaging to the nonconscious mind, and explains why the shows’ lengths can sustain audience attention. Engaging, stimulating, or novel content can lead to the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. Marketers need to pay attention to these dopamine moments to secure consumer attention to messaging and marketing.


2. Desire for Familiarity: It is not just the conversational style, humor, interests, and perspectives, but the very settings that viewers find are relatable to their own lives. Be it a cluttered tabletop, or a couch with scattered books, the gentle naivete of questioning and conversation is disarmingly familiar and reminiscent of Thanksgiving “dinner table over pumpkin pie” chats. The approach is fundamentally different from the elite, “holier and more scholarly than thou” approach of some network hosts. This sense of deep familiarity resonates in the brain, increasing listener engagement and loyalty. Relatability through signs and symbols enhances serotonin connections in the consumer’s nonconscious mind, an important lesson for marketers.


3. Desire for Trust: The podcasts’ long-form conversational style allows for in-depth exploration of topics. This format provides the trust that all key topics will be covered and not just “media sound bites.” The trust that there is no overarching covert agenda other than exploration and conversation free of confrontation, provides a deeper sense of understanding and intellectual and emotional gratification. While the world glorifies tweets, Reels, and TikToks, this longer form generates greater trust which in turn creates bonding and loyalty. Listeners can form a sense of trust that the program will serve reliably and consistently to entertain, inform, and engage them. Marketers might want to reconsider long form content in discussing their products and services with consumers.


4. Desire for Cognitive Fluency – Ease and Simplicity: The brain highly prizes ‘cognitive fluency’, the ease by which information can be processed and analyzed. Both Joe and Alex summarize what they say in simple terms, similes, and metaphors, and brilliantly simplify the most complex of subjects. All the way from astrophysics to the future of social discourse, every topic is simplified, and done without losing the core idea. The brain enjoys challenges, and “intellectual snacks” that are bite-sized, and stimulating but not overwhelming. The podcasts’ focus on simplification satisfies this primal desire for simplicity.


5. Desire for Tribalism: The brain seeks tribalism, and belonging. Tribalism has been a social and evolutionary mechanism for survival. Be it an aspiration for hyper masculinity, or empowered femininity, both “The Joe Rogan Experience” and “Call Her Daddy” cater through topics, words, setup, and stagecraft diligently to the sense of tribe and belonging of their target audience. What is unique about both the shows is the respect shown to tribal totems, and delight in breaking taboos – something that would make even Freud take a deep breath. Tribalism is fostered in deep and powerful ways through these shows. Marketers must focus on migrating “consumers” to fierce members of a tribe, and thereby create what Saatchi and Saatchi might label “loyalty beyond reason.”


6. Desire for Self-Esteem and Self Actualization: The bigger and better me – this is the highest layer in the Maslowian hierarchy of needs. Both “The Joe Rogan Experience” and “Call Her Daddy”, through the choice of topics and guests, present their audience an opportunity to feel better about themselves, more knowledgeable, and be both entertained and educated at the same time. The podcasts often feature diverse, intriguing, and revealing topics that can satisfy listeners’ curiosity and provide both intellectual and emotional stimulation that they have become better through the podcast. Another primary component of the shows’ success is stress relief through entertainment. The blend of one-on-one conversations interspersed with humor and entertainment value provides an enjoyable listening experience for the nonconscious mind, offering welcome stress relief and a break from daily routines, and driving repeat tune-in. This ‘continuous loop’ of listen-and-reward can lead to the reinforcement of self-esteem. Marketers must pay close heed to this blend of “edutainment”, a brilliant mix of education and entertainment that forms the basis of both these podcasts.


“Our fusion of Advanced Consumer Neuroscience and GenAi enabled us to uncover these core drivers, hidden deep within the nonconscious mind,” said Dr. A. K. Pradeep, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of “This is an intriguing application of what we do, and is illustrative of our capabilities aiding companies in creating the most effective product innovations, packaging designs, flavors and fragrances, marketing messaging, and more. We know that the nonconscious mind makes more than 95% of all daily decisions, so our unique blend of neuroscience and GenAI gives us and our clients the proprietary pathway to mining the secrets to success that lie deep within. We explain how in our new book, neuroAI: Winning The Minds of Consumers With Neuroscience Powered GenAI.


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SENSORI combines the latest advances in neuroscience with the recent technological advances in artificial intelligence. The advent of NeuroAi opens a limitless, global potential: reaching consumers with innovations in products, services, marketing, music, entertainment, and much more—at speeds, accuracy, and relevance never before possible.


Knowing that essential connections are forged deep in the nonconscious mind, where 95% of daily decisions are made, Sensori.Ai is built to enable companies to develop compelling brands, products, services, marketing messaging, and creative offerings that consumers will actually notice, like, remember, and desire.


Based in Silicon Valley, Sensori.Ai operates globally, working with a wide range of category-leading companies in North America, Europe, Latin America, and the Asia/Pacific region.

A podcast review from Sensori.Ai

Nov 27, 2024

5 min read