What it is
Create Product and Service Innovations for the Consumer. Justify every innovation with a clear path to the Embedded Memory Structures that gave rise to the innovation. Connect the innovations to Macro and Micro trends that sweep this consumer base. Prioritize the innovation based on a Company or a Brand’s unique perspective on innovation. Align the innovation to a Brand’s core values and guardrails. Be inspired by innovations from other categories.
Client Value Delivered
Global food product maker needed to innovate in the category of prepared foods. Chief Product Officer challenged the algorithms to innovate using inspiration from the Deodorant Category. Algorithms created a food product whose external package had a flap that when lifted would have the aroma of the fully prepared food. This excited consumers as they could sense the wonderful aroma of the food when it was fully made. The innovation is currently in market testing.
Who Should Use It?
Product makers, R&D, Innovators who seek to create new market and product innovations. Global heads of insights who wish to extract innovation learnings from categories. Marketers who wish to ensure that product innovations are well with the Brand guardrails and guidelines.